Greentec Parts

PJM Agri supply a full range of GreenTec parts. Although our machines are of the best quality, parts are needed when a saw blade, flail or other part has been worn down.

Greentec Parts Ordering & Delivery

It is important that we deliver the parts as quickly as possible, so you can get back to work.

Time is money, and we strive to give the customer a good experience and quick dispatch of spare parts orders. When you purchase parts that are specially designed for GreenTec machines, your machine will have the most optimal working conditions with high efficiency and long durability.

We have gathered the most common spare parts in kits. If you order a complete kit of spare parts, you will obtain additional economic benefits.

    Delivery Information

    Name or Company*



    Building Number and Street*

    Town / City*



    Parts Information

    Machine Type*


    Serial Number*

    Parts Required (Enter part number if known)*